Key financial indicators

Overview of key financial indicators in 1-9 2024

Sales (in EURm) 1-9 2024 1-9 2023 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 573.7 527.0 8.9%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 569.3 525.1 8.4%
Sales revenues of Food 438.9 406.9 7.9%
Sales revenues of Pharma 130.4 118.2 10.3%
Podravka Group's profitability (in EURm) 1-9 2024 1-9 2023 % change
Group's gross profit 221.3 183.4 20.6%
Group's gross profit margin 38.9% 34.9% +394 bb
Group's EBITDA 98.2 72.5 35.5%
Group's EBITDA margin 17.2% 13.8% +344 bb
Group's EBIT 72.8 48.6 49.7%
Group's EBIT margin 12.8% 9.3% +352 bb
Group's net profit after MI 60.2 58.3 3.1%
Group's net profit margin after MI 10.6% 11.1% -54 bb
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in EURm) 9/30/2024 12/31/2023 % change
Total assets 809.7 778.1 4.1%
Shareholders' equity 599.2 564.4 6.2%
Minority interests 11.0 10.6 2.9%
Cash and cash equivalents 21.2 42.5 -50.2%
Financial debt 58.5 57.4 1.9%
Net debt 37.4 14.9 150.6%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in EURm) 1-9 2024 1-9 2023 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 52.2 73.6 -29.1%
Capital expenditures  (58.1)  (46.9) 23.7%
Depreciation and amortization 25.3 23.8 5.9%
Free cash flow  (5.9) 26.7 -121.9%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 9/30/2024 12/31/2023 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,345 6,163 3.0%
P&L interest expense (in EURm) 0.85 0.68 23.9%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in EUR000) 119.5 115.8 3.1%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in EUR000) 10.7 10.8 -0.2%
Return on average assets 6.2% 6.4% -14 bb
Return on average capital 8.4% 8.8% -40 bb
Return on average invested capital 11.0% 8.3% +274 bb
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 75.4% 73.9% -147 bb
EBIT / P&L interest expense 98.3 87.3 12.6%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.3 0.2 97.1%
Sales (in EURm) 1-6 2024 1-6 2023 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 381.5 347.4 9.8%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 380.4 346.3 9.9%
Sales revenues of Food 290.5 265.2 9.6%
Sales revenues of Pharma 89.8 81.0 10.8%
Podravka Group's profitability (in EURm) 1-6 2024 1-6 2023 % change
Group's gross profit 148.9 122.2 21.8%
Group's gross profit margin 39.1% 35.3% +384 bb
Group's EBITDA 65.8 48.3 36.2%
Group's EBITDA margin 17.3% 14.0% +334 bb
Group's EBIT 49.1 32.4 51.4%
Group's EBIT margin 12.9% 9.4% +354 bb
Group's net profit after MI 40.2 45.2 -11.0%
Group's net profit margin after MI 10.6% 13.1% -247 bb
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in EURm) 6/30/2024 12/31/2023 % change
Total assets 818.1 778.1 5.1%
Shareholders' equity 579.7 564.4 2.7%
Minority interests 10.7 10.6 0.1%
Cash and cash equivalents 49.1 42.5 15.4%
Financial debt 59.9 57.4 4.3%
Net debt 10.8 14.9 -27.3%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in EURm) 1-6 2024 1-6 2023 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 45.3 45.1 0.5%
Capital expenditures  (39.8)  (28.7) 38.8%
Depreciation and amortization 16.7 15.9 5.2%
Free cash flow 5.6 16.5 -66.2%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 6/30/2024 12/31/2023 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,171 6,163 0.1%
P&L interest expense (in EURm) 0.75 0.68 10.1%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in EUR000) 121.2 115.8 4.6%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in EUR000) 10.0 10.8 -7.6%
Return on average assets 6.2% 6.4% -21 bb
Return on average capital 8.5% 8.8% -31 bb
Return on average invested capital 10.5% 8.3% +216 bb
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 72.2% 73.9% +173 bb
EBIT / P&L interest expense 100.8 87.3 15.5%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.1 0.2 -38.7%
Sales (in EURm) 1-3 2024 1-3 2023 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 192.2 176.4 9.0%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 191.8 175.9 9.1%
Sales revenues of Food 146.5 131.7 11.3%
Sales revenues of Pharma 45.3 44.2 2.5%
Podravka Group's profitability (in EURm) 1-3 2024 1-3 2023 % change
Group's gross profit 76.6 62.5 22.5%
Group's gross profit margin 39.9% 35.6% +437 bb
Group's EBITDA 37.9 27.3 38.8%
Group's EBITDA margin 19.7% 15.5% +423 bb
Group's EBIT 29.5 19.4 51.9%
Group's EBIT margin 15.4% 11.0% +434 bb
Group's net profit after MI 23.5 15.7 49.7%
Group's net profit margin after MI 12.2% 8.9% +332 bb
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in EURm) 3/31/2024 12/31/2023 % change
Total assets 810.7 778.1 4.2%
Shareholders' equity 586.2 564.4 3.9%
Minority interests 10.3 10.6 -3.1%
Cash and cash equivalents 54.0 42.5 27.0%
Financial debt 61.9 57.4 7.8%
Net debt 7.9 14.9 -46.8%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in EURm) 1-3 2024 1-3 2023 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 26.2 30.9 -15.3%
Capital expenditures  (19.1)  (11.8) 62.3%
Depreciation and amortization 8.4 7.9 6.2%
Free cash flow 7.1 19.2 -63.0%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 3/31/2024 12/31/2023 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,171 6,163 0.1%
P&L interest expense (in EURm) 0.70 0.68 2.6%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in EUR000) 118.3 115.8 2.1%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in EUR000) 12.0 10.8 11.6%
Return on average assets 6.2% 6.4% -23 bb
Return on average capital 8.4% 8.8% -41 bb
Return on average invested capital 9.6% 8.3% +127 bb
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 73.6% 73.9% +32 bb
EBIT / P&L interest expense 99.2 87.3 13.7%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.1 0.2 -52.8%
Sales (in EURm) 1-12 2023 1-12 2022 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 717.0 684.2 4.8%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 713.8 667.2 7.0%
Sales revenues of Food 553.6 522.2 6.0%
Sales revenues of Pharma 160.2 145.0 10.5%
Podravka Group's profitability (in EURm) 1-12 2023 1-12 2022 % change
Group's gross profit 248.7 236.7 5.1%
Group's gross profit margin 34.8% 35.5% -64 bb
Group's EBITDA 91.9 93.9 -2.0%
Group's EBITDA margin 12.9% 14.1% -119 bb
Group's EBIT 59.3 62.5 -5.2%
Group's EBIT margin 8.3% 9.4% -107 bb
Group's net profit after MI 66.4 49.1 35.3%
Group's net profit margin after MI 9.3% 7.4% +194 bb
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in EURm) 12/31/2023 12/31/2022 % change
Total assets 778.1 736.2 5.7%
Shareholders' equity 564.4 519.2 8.7%
Minority interests 10.6 9.4 12.9%
Cash and cash equivalents 42.5 21.9 94.1%
Financial debt 57.4 84.0 -31.6%
Net debt 14.9 62.1 -76.0%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in EURm) 1-12 2023 1-12 2022 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 115.4 75.0 53.8%
Capital expenditures  (73.8)  (52.7) 40.1%
Depreciation and amortization 31.8 30.4 4.8%
Free cash flow 41.6 22.4 86.0%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 12/31/2023 12/31/2022 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,163 6,299 -2.2%
P&L interest expense (in EURm) 0.68 0.72 -5.3%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in EUR000) 115.8 105.9 9.4%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in EUR000) 10.8 7.8 38.3%
Return on average assets 6.4% 6.1% +29 bb
Return on average capital 8.8% 8.3% +46 bb
Return on average invested capital 8.3% 7.6% +69 bb
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 73.9% 71.8% -210 bb
EBIT / P&L interest expense 87.3 73.3 19.1%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.2 0.7 -78.2%
Sales (in EURm) 1-9 2023 1-9 2022 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 527.0 496.6 6.1%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 525.1 492.7 6.6%
Sales revenues of Food 406.9 388.3 4.8%
Sales revenues of Pharma 118.2 104.4 13.3%
Podravka Group's profitability (in EURm) 1-9 2023 1-9 2022 % change
Group's gross profit 183.4 175.4 4.6%
Group's gross profit margin 34.9% 35.6% -67 bb
Group's EBITDA 72.5 69.0 5.0%
Group's EBITDA margin 13.8% 14.0% -21 bb
Group's EBIT 48.6 45.8 6.2%
Group's EBIT margin 9.3% 9.3% -3 bb
Group's net profit after MI 58.3 35.7 63.4%
Group's net profit margin after MI 11.1% 7.2% +386 bb
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in EURm) 30.9.2023 31.12.2022 % change
Total assets 751.9 736.2 2.1%
Shareholders' equity 555.9 519.2 7.1%
Minority interests 10.3 9.4 9.3%
Cash and cash equivalents 28.5 21.9 30.0%
Financial debt 55.0 84.0 -34.5%
Net debt 26.5 62.1 -57.3%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in EURm) 1-9 2023 1-9 2022 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 73.6 69.0 6.8%
Capital expenditures  (46.9)  (38.9) 20.7%
Depreciation and amortization 23.8 22.7 5.1%
Free cash flow 26.7 30.1 -11.2%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 30.9.2023 31.12.2022 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,198 6,299 -1.6%
P&L interest expense (in EURm) 0.71 0.72 -2.0%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in EUR000) 112.9 105.9 6.6%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in EUR000) 11.6 7.8 48.5%
Return on average assets 6.0% 6.0% +9 bb
Return on average capital 8.2% 8.1% +11 bb
Return on average invested capital 7.8% 7.7% +10 bb
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 75.3% 71.8% -351 bb
EBIT / P&L interest expense 79.7 73.3 8.8%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.3 0.7 -59.5%
Sales (in EURm) 1-6 2023 1-6 2022 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 347.4 324.4 7.1%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 346.3 320.7 8.0%
Sales revenues of Food 265.2 254.0 4.4%
Sales revenues of Pharma 81.0 66.7 21.6%
Podravka Group's profitability (in EURm) 1-6 2023 1-6 2022 % change
Group's gross profit 122.2 116.9 4.5%
Group's gross profit margin 35.3% 36.5% -117 bp
Group's EBITDA 48.3 48.5 -0.3%
Group's EBITDA margin 14.0% 15.1% -116 bp
Group's EBIT 32.4 33.5 -3.2%
Group's EBIT margin 9.4% 10.5% -108 bp
Group's net profit after MI 45.2 26.3 71.8%
Group's net profit margin after MI 13.1% 8.2% +485 bp
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in EURm) 30.6.2023 31.12.2022 % change
Total assets 767.0 736.2 4.2%
Shareholders' equity 543.8 519.2 4.7%
Minority interests 10.0 9.4 6.6%
Cash and cash equivalents 50.7 21.9 131.4%
Financial debt 70.6 84.0 -16.0%
Net debt 19.9 62.1 -68.0%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in EURm) 1-6 2023 1-6 2022 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 45.1 66.8 -32.4%
Capital expenditures  (28.7)  (27.0) 5.9%
Depreciation and amortization 15.9 15.0 6.2%
Free cash flow 16.5 39.7 -58.6%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 30.6.2023 31.12.2022 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,267 6,299 -0.5%
P&L interest expense (in EURm) 0.66 0.72 -9.1%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in EUR000) 110.5 105.9 4.4%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in EUR000) 10.8 7.8 39.2%
Return on average assets 5.5% 6.0% -44 bp
Return on average capital 7.6% 8.1% -46 bp
Return on average invested capital 7.4% 7.9% -43 bp
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 72.2% 71.8% -42 bp
EBIT / P&L interest expense 80.4 73.3 9.8%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.2 0.7 -68.3%
Sales (in EURm) 1-3 2023 1-3 2022 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 176.4 156.3 12.9%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 175.9 155.6 13.0%
Sales revenues of Food 131.7 124.4 5.9%
Sales revenues of Pharma 44.2 31.3 41.2%
Podravka Group's profitability (in EURm) 1-3 2023 1-3 2022 % change
Group's gross profit 62.5 57.8 8.2%
Group's gross profit margin 35.6% 37.1% -158 bp
Group's EBITDA 27.3 22.6 20.7%
Group's EBITDA margin 15.5% 14.5% +99 bp
Group's EBIT 19.4 15.3 27.1%
Group's EBIT margin 11.0% 9.8% +122 bp
Group's net profit after MI 15.7 11.8 32.9%
Group's net profit margin after MI 8.9% 7.6% +133 bp
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in EURm) 31.3.2023 31.12.2022 % change
Total assets 765.2 736.2 3.9%
Shareholders' equity 533.7 519.2 2.8%
Minority interests 9.8 9.4 3.6%
Cash and cash equivalents 41.4 21.9 88.9%
Financial debt 87.1 84.0 3.6%
Net debt 45.7 62.1 -26.5%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in EURm) 1-3 2023 1-3 2022 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 30.9 42.2 -26.6%
Capital expenditures  (11.8)  (8.4) 39.9%
Depreciation and amortization 7.9 7.3 7.4%
Free cash flow 19.2 33.7 -43.2%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 31.3.2023 31.12.2022 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,272 6,299 -0.4%
P&L interest expense (in EURm) 0.7 0.7 -2.1%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in EUR000) 109.6 105.9 3.5%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in EUR000) 8.4 7.8 8.4%
Return on average assets 6.0% 6.0% +9 bp
Return on average capital 8.5% 8.1% +35 bp
Return on average invested capital 8.0% 7.8% +15 bp
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 71.0% 71.8% -77 bp
EBIT / P&L interest expense 81.0 73.3 10.5%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.5 0.7 -30.6%
Sales (in HRKm) 2022 2021 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 5,154.9 4,666.5 10.5%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 5,026.8 4,631.5 8.5%
Sales revenues of Food 3,934.2 3,601.3 9.2%
Sales revenues of Pharma 1,092.6 1,030.3 6.0%
Podravka Group's profitability (in HRKm) 2022 2021 % change
Group's gross profit 1,783.6 1,678.1 6.3%
Group's gross profit margin 35.5% 36.2% -75 bp
Group's EBITDA 707.2 592.0 19.5%
Group's EBITDA margin 14.1% 12.8% +129 bp
Group's EBIT 471.1 365.3 29.0%
Group's EBIT margin 9.4% 7.9% +148 bp
Group's net profit after MI 369.6 309.2 19.5%
Group's net profit margin after MI 7.4% 6.7% +68 bp
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in HRKm) 31.12.2022 31.12.2021 % change
Total assets 5,547.1 4,909.0 13.0%
Shareholders' equity 3,911.8 3,631.0 7.7%
Minority interests 71.0 63.3 12.2%
Cash and cash equivalents 165.1 33.3 395.7%
Financial debt 633.2 493.8 28.2%
Net debt 468.1 460.5 1.6%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in HRKm) 2022 2021 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 565.4 517.1 9.4%
Capital expenditures  (396.8)  (170.3) 133.0%
Depreciation and amortization 228.7 218.2 4.8%
Free cash flow 168.6 346.8 -51.4%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,299 6,557 -3.9%
P&L interest expense (in HRKm) 5.4 6.8 -20.9%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in HRK000) 798.0 706.3 13.0%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in HRK000) 58.7 47.2 24.4%
Return on average assets 6.1% 6.3% -25 bp
Return on average capital 8.3% 8.8% -48 bp
Return on average invested capital 7.6% 7.7% -8 bp
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 71.8% 75.3% -346 bp
EBIT / P&L interest expense 73.3 56.9 28.8%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.7 0.8 -1.6%
Sales (in HRKm) 1-9 2022 1-9 2021 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 3,741.4 3,410.4 9.7%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 3,712.6 3,383.5 9.7%
Sales revenues of Food 2,926.0 2,634.0 11.1%
Sales revenues of Pharma 786.6 749.5 5.0%
Podravka Group's profitability (in HRKm) 1-9 2022 1-9 2021 % change
Group's gross profit 1,321.7 1,248.9 5.8%
Group's gross profit margin 35.6% 36.9% -131 bp
Group's EBITDA 519.9 491.7 5.7%
Group's EBITDA margin 14.0% 14.5% -53 bp
Group's EBIT 344.8 328.4 5.0%
Group's EBIT margin 9.3% 9.7% -42 bp
Group's net profit after MI 269.1 259.3 3.8%
Group's net profit margin after MI 7.2% 7.7% -41 bp
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in HRKm) 30.9.2022 31.12.2021 % change
Total assets 5,411.8 4,909.0 10.2%
Shareholders' equity 3,798.7 3,631.0 4.6%
Minority interests 69.2 63.3 9.4%
Cash and cash equivalents 209.5 33.3 528.9%
Financial debt 536.3 493.8 8.6%
Net debt 326.9 460.5 -29.0%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in HRKm) 1-9 2022 1-9 2021 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 519.5 453.4 14.6%
Capital expenditures  (292.8)  (100.3) 191.9%
Depreciation and amortization 170.9 163.3 4.7%
Free cash flow 226.7 353.1 -35.8%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 30.9.2022 31.12.2021 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,406 6,557 -2.3%
P&L interest expense (in HRKm) 5.6 6.8 -20.9%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in HRK000) 774.4 706.3 9.6%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in HRK000) 49.8 47.2 5.6%
Return on average assets 6.2% 6.3% -13 bp
Return on average capital 8.5% 8.8% -29 bp
Return on average invested capital 8.0% 7.7% +29 bp
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 71.5% 75.3% -378 bp
EBIT / P&L interest expense 72.5 56.9 27.5%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.5 0.8 -31.7%
Sales (in HRKm) 1-6 2022 1-6 2021 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 2,443.8 2,238.2 9.2%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 2,416.2 2,220.5 8.8%
Sales revenues of Food 1,913.8 1,716.6 11.5%
Sales revenues of Pharma 502.4 503.9 -0.3%
Podravka Group's profitability (in HRKm) 1-6 2022 1-6 2021 % change
Group's gross profit 881.1 843.2 4.5%
Group's gross profit margin 36.5% 38.0% -151 bp
Group's EBITDA 365.2 356.6 2.4%
Group's EBITDA margin 15.1% 16.1% -94 bp
Group's EBIT 252.5 248.7 1.5%
Group's EBIT margin 10.5% 11.2% -75 bp
Group's net profit after MI 198.2 197.6 0.3%
Group's net profit margin after MI 8.2% 8.9% -69 bp
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in HRKm) 30.6.2022 31.12.2021 % change
Total assets 5,285.3 4,909.0 7.7%
Shareholders' equity 3,732.8 3,631.0 2.8%
Minority interests 68.1 63.3 7.6%
Cash and cash equivalents 219.5 33.3 559.1%
Financial debt 388.1 493.8 -21.4%
Net debt 168.6 460.5 -63.4%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in HRKm) 1-6 2022 1-6 2021 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 503.0 359.7 39.8%
Capital expenditures  (203.8)  (56.5) 260.3%
Depreciation and amortization 107.8 112.7 -4.3%
Free cash flow 299.3 303.2 -1.3%
Podravka Group's ratios and indicators 30.6.2022 31.12.2021 % change
Employee number at the end of period (in units) 6,545 6,557 -0.2%
P&L interest expense (in HRKm) 5.8 6.8 -20.9%
Sales revenues / Number of employees (in HRK000) 736.9 706.3 4.3%
Net profit after MI / Sales revenues (in HRK000) 47.3 47.2 0.3%
Return on average assets 6.1% 6.3% -26 bp
Return on average capital 8.3% 8.8% -50 bp
Return on average invested capital 7.9% 7.7% +20 bp
Total shareholders' equity / Total assets 71.9% 75.3% -334 bp
EBIT / P&L interest expense 66.9 56.9 17.6%
Net debt / EBITDA 0.3 0.8 -63.7%
Sales (in HRKm) 1-3 2022 1-3 2021 % change
Total revenues of Podravka Group 1,177.3 1,089.8 8.0%
Sales revenues of Podravka Group 1,172.6 1,079.7 8.6%
Sales revenues of Food 936.9 845.3 10.8%
Sales revenues of Pharma 235.7 234.3 0.6%
Podravka Group's profitability (in HRKm) 1-3 2022 1-3 2021 % change
Group's gross profit 435.6 411.8 5.8%
Group's gross profit margin 37.1% 38.1% -100 bp
Group's EBITDA 170.3 184.5 -7.7%
Group's EBITDA margin 14.5% 17.1% -257 bp
Group's EBIT 115.2 131.1 -12.2%
Group's EBIT margin 9.8% 12.1% -232 bp
Group's net profit after MI 88.8 105.2 -15.6%
Group's net profit margin after MI 7.6% 9.7% -217 bp
Podravka Group's balance sheet (in HRKm) 31.3.2022 31.12.2021 % change
Total assets 5,215.0 4,909.0 6.2%
Shareholders' equity 3,730.0 3,631.0 2.7%
Minority interests 66.5 63.3 5.1%
Cash and cash equivalents 214.8 33.3 545.0%
Financial debt 435.8 493.8 -11.8%
Net debt 221.0 460.5 -52.0%
Podravka Group's cash flow (in HRKm) 1-3 2022 1-3 2021 % change
Net cash flow from operating activities 317.6 190.6 66.6%
Capital expenditures  (63.4)  (18.8) 237.8%